Given the head of a linked list, we repeatedly delete consecutive sequences of nodes that sum to 0 until there are no such sequences.
After doing so, return the head of the final linked list. You may return any such answer.
(Note that in the examples below, all sequences are serializations of ListNode objects.)
Example 1:
Input: head = [1,2,-3,3,1]
Output: [3,1]
Note: The answer [1,2,1] would also be accepted.
Example 2:
Input: head = [1,2,3,-3,4]
Output: [1,2,4]
Example 3:
Input: head = [1,2,3,-3,-2]
Output: [1]
The given linked list will contain between 1 and 1000 nodes.
Each node in the linked list has -1000 <= node.val <= 1000.
This problem is typical prefixSum problem, if prefixSum seen, then all elements between two same prefixSum sum = 0.
Here, we can use HashMap, key as prefixSum, value as current Node, if prefixSum already seen in HashMap, then delete all nodes between two same prefixSum. and also delete relative prefixSum in HashMap. (We already removed nodes from head, so that remove cumulative sum with those nodes. otherwise, it is incorrect.)
Here, we use dummy node, ListNode(0), (as shown in below pic), as initiating HashMap, put(0, ListNode(0)) into HashMap, iterate ListNode,
if prefixSum in HashMap, delete all nodes
if prefixSum not in HashMap, put prefixSum and currNode into HashMap. map.put(prefixSum, currNode).
举例:head = [1, 2, 3, -2, -3, 9]
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity:O(n) - n is number of ListNode
Space Complexity:O(n) - HashMap
Key Points
calculate prefixSum
use HashMap keep track all prefixSum and currNode.
Initialize HashMap,put0 (here usedummy node)
Delete all Nodes between two same prefixSum, delete related prefixSum from HashMap.
Code (Java/Python3)
Java Code
classRemoveZeroInLinkedList {publicstaticListNoderemoveZeroSumSublists(ListNode head) {ListNode dummy =newListNode(0);ListNode currNode = dummy; head;int prefixSum =0;Map<Integer,ListNode> prefixSumMap =newHashMap<>();while (currNode !=null) { prefixSum +=currNode.val;// seen prefixSum in HashMap, remove all nodes and relative prefixSum from HashMapif (prefixSumMap.containsKey(prefixSum)) { currNode =prefixSumMap.get(prefixSum).next;int sum = prefixSum +currNode.val;while (sum != prefixSum) {prefixSumMap.remove(sum); currNode; sum +=currNode.val; }prefixSumMap.get(prefixSum); } else {// prefixSum not seen in HashMap, add into HashMapprefixSumMap.put(prefixSum, currNode); } currNode; }; }}