Problem Description
This problem is intuitive, gather all odd nodes together, and all even nodes together. then odd list point to even node list.
List Node is a bit not intuitive to implement, so you need to understand pointer for list node. Will using an example below to demonstrate how pointer works and how to gather all odd and even nodes.
will need 3 new heads,
odd -- point to odd nodes, while iterate through list nodes.
even -- point to even nodes
evenHead -- need to remember the start position for even head.
odd = head
andeven = head.next
andevenHead = even
After init, traverse through list nodes, here head and evenHead will remain, not move, instead, odd and even will move to corresponding position.
each traverse,
odd = odd.next.next
(by pass even node), andeven = even.next.next
(by passing odd node)until
even == null || even.next == null
, done scanning all nodes, evenHead is in the even list nodes head.point
odd.next = evenHead
.now head is the result.
For example:
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity: O(N)
Space Complexity: O(1)
N - the number of nodes in linked list
Last updated
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