



In the computer world, use restricted resource you have to generate maximum benefit is what we always want to pursue.

For now, suppose you are a dominator of m 0s and n 1s respectively. On the other hand, there is an array with strings consisting of only 0s and 1s.

Now your task is to find the maximum number of strings that you can form with given m 0s and n 1s. Each 0 and 1 can be used at most once.


The given numbers of 0s and 1s will both not exceed 100
The size of given string array won't exceed 600.

Example 1:

Input: Array = {"10", "0001", "111001", "1", "0"}, m = 5, n = 3
Output: 4

Explanation: This are totally 4 strings can be formed by the using of 5 0s and 3 1s, which are “10,”0001”,”1”,”0”

Example 2:

Input: Array = {"10", "0", "1"}, m = 1, n = 1
Output: 2

Explanation: You could form "10", but then you'd have nothing left. Better form "0" and "1".


题意是给定一个只包含01 的字符串数组, 求在字符串数组中最多能用m0n1能组成多少个字符串。

一般看到这种要求最多,最大个数,但不需要列举出所有情况的题,很大概率会用到DP求解。而且这是一道很典型的 0-1背包问题,对于当前字符串,要么取,要么不取的问题。


解法一 - 暴力解

暴力解就是非常暴力的列举出所有字符串数组的子集,然后计算每个子集的 01 的个数,并用一个全局变量max表示最多,如果计算出子集中01 个数小于等于给定的mn,即 count(0) <= m && count(1) <= n;.



  • 时间复杂度: O(2^len * s) - len is Strs length, s is the average string length

  • 空间复杂度: O(1)

解法二 - 记忆 + 递归


memo[i][j][k] - 表示前i个字符串中能用j个0和k和1组成的最多的字符串个数。

helpe(strs, i, j, k, memo) 递归求解: 1. 如果memo[i][j][k] != 0, 表示已经求解过了,所以直接返回值即可 2. 如果没有求解过,判断当前剩余的01的个数jk是否大于等于当前字符串的01的个数, a. 满足条件,则可以取当前字符串, 3. 不取当前字符串。 4. 取最大值保存在memo[i][j][k]


  • 时间复杂度: O(l * m * n) - l 是字符串数组的长度,m是0的个数,n是1的个数

  • 空间复杂度: O(l * m * n) - memo 三维数组

解法三 - 三维DP


dp[i][j][k] - 表示前i个字符串中能用j个0和k和1组成的最多的字符串个数。

状态转移方程: dp[i][j][k] = max(dp[i][j][k], dp[i - 1][j - count0][k - count1]) - count0count1 分别表示第 i 个字符串(strs[i]) 中 0 的个数 和 1 的个数`

根据 jkcount0count1 比较,取与不取当前的字符串,最终状态转移方程:

  • j >= count0 && k >= count1,

    dp[i][j][k] = max(dp[i - 1][j][k], dp[i - 1][j - count0][k - count1] + 1)

  • 不满条件,不取当前字符串

    dp[i][j][k] = dp[i - 1][j][k]

最后dp[l][m][n] 即可得到最大值。


  • 时间复杂度: O(l * m * n) - l 是字符串数组的长度,m是0的个数,n是1的个数

  • 空间复杂度: O(l * m * n) - dp 三维数组

解法四 - 二维DP

解法三中,分析三维DP,对于每次计算,我们并不需要所有状态的值,只需要前一行的状态值即(i-1)所有可以优化空间从l -> 2dp[2][m][n], 再进一步分析可以发现,其实并不需要前一行中所有状态,这里只需要记录两个位置的状态, 即dp[i - 1][j][k]dp[i - 1][j - count0][k - count1]。 那么就可以降维到二维DP,


dp[i][j] = max(dp[i][j], dp[i - count0][j - count1] + 1)


ones and zeros 2d dp


  • 时间复杂度: O(l * m * n) - l 是字符串数组的长度,m是0的个数,n是1的个数

  • 空间复杂度: O(m * n) - dp 三维数组


代码 (Java/Python3)

解法一 - 递归 (超时)

Java code

class OnesAndZerosBFRecursive {
 public int findMaxForm2(String[] strs, int m, int n) {
    return helper(strs, 0, m, n);
 private int helper(String[] strs, int idx, int j, int k) {
    if (idx == strs.length) return 0;
    // count current idx string number of zeros and ones
    int[] counts = countZeroOnes(strs[idx]);
    // if j >= count0 && k >= count1, take current index string
    int takeCurrStr = j - counts[0] >= 0 && k - counts[1] >= 0
        ? 1 + helper(strs, idx + 1, j - counts[0], k - counts[1])
        : -1;
    // don't take current index string strs[idx], continue next string
    int notTakeCurrStr = helper(strs, idx + 1, j, k);
    return Math.max(takeCurrStr, notTakeCurrStr);
 private int[] countZeroOnes(String s) {
    int[] res = new int[2];
    for (char ch : s.toCharArray()) {
      res[ch - '0']++;
    return res;

Python3 code

class Solution:
    def findMaxForm(self, strs: List[str], m: int, n: int) -> int:
        return self.helper(strs, m, n, 0)

    def helper(self, strs, m, n, idx):
        if idx == len(strs):
            return 0
        take_curr_str = -1
        count0, count1 = strs[idx].count('0'), strs[idx].count('1')
        if m >= count0 and n >= count1:
            take_curr_str = max(take_curr_str, self.helper(strs, m - count0, n - count1, idx + 1) + 1)
        not_take_curr_str = self.helper(strs, m, n, idx + 1)
        return max(take_curr_str, not_take_curr_str)

解法二 - 记忆 + 递归

Java code

class OnesAndZerosMemoRecur {
  public int findMaxForm4(String[] strs, int m, int n) {
      return helper(strs, 0, m, n, new int[strs.length][m + 1][n + 1]);
  private int helper(String[] strs, int idx, int j, int k, int[][][] memo) {
      if (idx == strs.length) return 0;
      // check if already calculated, return value
      if (memo[idx][j][k] != 0) {
        return memo[idx][j][k];
      int[] counts = countZeroOnes(strs[idx]);
      // if satisfy condition, take current string, strs[idx], update count0 and count1
      int takeCurrStr = j - counts[0] >= 0 && k - counts[1] >= 0
          ? 1 + helper(strs, idx + 1, j - counts[0], k - counts[1], memo)
          : -1;
      // not take current string
      int notTakeCurrStr = helper(strs, idx + 1, j, k, memo);
      // always keep track the max value into memory
      memo[idx][j][k] = Math.max(takeCurrStr, notTakeCurrStr);
      return memo[idx][j][k];
  private int[] countZeroOnes(String s) {
       int[] res = new int[2];
       for (char ch : s.toCharArray()) {
         res[ch - '0']++;
       return res;

Python3 code - (TLE)

class Solution:
    def findMaxForm(self, strs: List[str], m: int, n: int) -> int:
        memo = {k:[[0]*(n+1) for _ in range(m+1)] for k in range(len(strs)+1)}
        return self.helper(strs, 0, m, n, memo)

    def helper(self, strs, idx, m, n, memo):
        if idx == len(strs):
            return 0
        if memo[idx][m][n] != 0:
            return memo[idx][m][n]
        take_curr_str = -1
        count0, count1 = strs[idx].count('0'), strs[idx].count('1')
        if m >= count0 and n >= count1:
            take_curr_str = max(take_curr_str, self.helper(strs, idx + 1, m - count0, n - count1, memo) + 1)
        not_take_curr_str = self.helper(strs, idx + 1, m, n, memo)
        memo[idx][m][n] = max(take_curr_str, not_take_curr_str)
        return memo[idx][m][n]

解法三 - 3D DP

Java code

class OnesAndZeros3DDP {
  public int findMaxForm(String[] strs, int m, int n) {
      int l = strs.length;
      int [][][] d = new int[l + 1][m + 1][n + 1];
      for (int i = 0; i <= l; i ++){
        int [] nums = new int[]{0,0};
        if (i > 0){
          nums = countZeroOnes(strs[i - 1]);
        for (int j = 0; j <= m; j ++){
          for (int k = 0; k <= n; k ++){
            if (i == 0) {
              d[i][j][k] = 0;
            } else if (j >= nums[0] && k >= nums[1]){
              d[i][j][k] = Math.max(d[i - 1][j][k], d[i - 1][j - nums[0]][k - nums[1]] + 1);
            } else {
              d[i][j][k] = d[i - 1][j][k];
      return d[l][m][n];

解法四 - 2D DP

Java code

class OnesAndZeros2DDP {
  public int findMaxForm(String[] strs, int m, int n) {
      int[][] dp = new int[m + 1][n + 1];
      for (String s : strs) {
        int[] counts = countZeroOnes(s);
        for (int i = m; i >= counts[0]; i--) {
          for (int j = n; j >= counts[1]; j--) {
            dp[i][j] = Math.max(1 + dp[i - counts[0]][j - counts[1]], dp[i][j]);
      return dp[m][n];
  private int[] countZeroOnes(String s) {
       int[] res = new int[2];
       for (char ch : s.toCharArray()) {
         res[ch - '0']++;
       return res;

Python3 code

class Solution:
    def findMaxForm(self, strs: List[str], m: int, n: int) -> int:
        l = len(strs)
        dp = [[0]*(n+1) for _ in range(m+1)]
        for i in range(1, l + 1):
              count0, count1 = strs[i - 1].count('0'), strs[i - 1].count('1')
              for i in reversed(range(count0, m + 1)):
                for j in reversed(range(count1, n + 1)):
                    dp[i][j] = max(dp[i][j], 1 + dp[i - count0][j - count1])
        return dp[m][n]


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